The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) grossly overstates the number of state lawmakers who are members of the organization, internal documents obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) show.
For years, ALEC has claimed on its website that it is “comprised of nearly one-quarter of the country’s state legislators,” yet the secretive group has never disclosed its members’ names nor the actual number of legislative members.
There were 7,383 state lawmakers as of 2021, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. If almost 25% of those were actually registered with ALEC, its membership would total roughly 1,845. But ALEC records show that it had only 897 members in early 2020, less than half of what it claims.
In its 2020 IRS filing, ALEC reported just over $50,000 in revenue from memberships, which represents less than 1% of its total income that year. ALEC charged individual legislators $100 for a two-year membership at the time, but has since increased the dues to $200.
The group’s tax returns show that ALEC’s revenue from membership dues has plunged 48% since CMD launched its ALEC Exposed project just over 10 years ago, suggesting that it has lost close to half of its legislative members.

CMD has worked diligently over the years to track state politicians tied to ALEC, with full knowledge that its compiled lists have been incomplete.
ALEC is a pay-to-play operation in which state legislators and corporate lobbyists meet behind closed doors to write model legislation that advances a radical right-wing, pro-corporate, and pro-Republican agenda on everything from suppressing voter access and denying climate change to crushing unions and undermining public education.
CMD has recreated the membership list it obtained so that it is searchable by both state and name.
Great discussion about ALEC.
Whether ALEC has 1,800 legislators or 897 matters nothing to anyone. ALEC has reshaped American politics for decades. Suggesting that have more or less is a waste of time and effort. ALEC does not need or care how many legislators would counted as supporters or members. This like arguing about whether the Nazis had a thousand camps or 20,0000 camps. It it is a meaningless statistic. The number of cammps is irrelevant to the FACT that the Nazis killed 10 million people: 6 million Jews, Roma (Gypsies), Germans with disabilities, and some of the Slavic peoples (especially Poles and Russians). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals. The total number was 11 million, and we have done nothing to stop ALEC, the Kochs, the ten thousand scientific and military Nazis brought here by Allen Dulles, and the millions of Americans who support Donald Trump. Last week, two or three shooters caused 48,000 people to lose their electricity for a week. We hear a little news about it, and we assume all is well. Next week, twenty shooters could cripple our nation permanently. On top of that impending disaster, we have Bernie Sanders will run for President again. He caused Trump’s victory. You may debate it, but the truth is that he helped Trump, and we all stood by and let it happen.
The answer is simple until liberals realize that Nazis have been successfully running America for decades. Credit Default Swap Bond holders received more that 35 trillion dollars from the Sub-Prime Mortgage Scam. Quantitative Easing paid billions and billions of dollars to American banks–to save them from the errors of sub-prime mortgage scam. The cost of housing and renting in America has doubled over the past year. NO SIZABLE AMOUNT OFAMERICANS will now ever afford to buy a home. Rents today will create millions of homeless people, and Americans do not care. Let me explain the hell that estimating the number of legislators are in ALECs group—you are ignoring the hell that is coming to America. We deserve all of it. We use slaves all over the world to make our lives nicer. Southern school have only 2% of white students. The other 95% attend whites only Born Again Christian schools. Here is what America really is, and has been working towards for decdes, The top 1% of Americans control 32% of our wealth, and the bottom 50% control 2.1% of our wealth. It has taken thousands of lawyers, doctors, police, military, hedge founds, politicians, Ministers, Bishops, Sherriffs, to work together to make our nation a failed state. I think that the work to count all of these ALEC followers would have been spent more honestly to count the number of angels that can dance the head of a pin.