U.S Justice Samuel Alito has been scouring the land looking for a case to make his mark on history. Now, he has found one.
Right-Wing Network Puts Friedrichs v. California Teachers in Samuel Alito’s Lap
By Mary Bottari | at
Investigating Power
U.S Justice Samuel Alito has been scouring the land looking for a case to make his mark on history. Now, he has found one.
Spinmeister Richard Berman sinks to a new low in his fight against the minimum wage.
This year, ALEC has continued to wreak havoc in states across the country despite an exodus of high-profile corporate members, including BP, Google, and several high-tech firms.
Hotel industry profits are up, executive salaries have skyrocketed, and a little-known trade association fights to keep workers’ wages low.
ALEC made headlines, following Wisconsin Republicans’ introduction of a nearly verbatim copy of ALEC’s model Right to Work Act.